3 Replies

I think it’s pretty normal to feel this way. You’re overwhelmed with your new routine, tired and extremely too exhausted to do anything let alone the deed. Hang in there, it’ll get better once you settle LO into a routine and when you are less tired especially. Maybe as a suggestion, set aside one day of the week to do the deed, so that you and husband have a heads up to prepare and settle everything else in advance before you get too tired. We used to do the deed almost everyday when we first got married then it lessened and now it becomes once a month at least. We’ve gone a few months without it, because I was heavily pregnant and had a c-sect so was quite tough to be intimate. Don’t stress yourself out, you’re not alone experiencing this. ❤️

Don’t worry babe! You’re not alone in this. Have an open talk with your hubby. Explain to him that it still hurts and you’ll need time to adjust. Instead of having sex, go on short dates together if possible. Be very open. My hubby and I tried to get intimate at pp 2months. My vagina hurts during penetration so we stopped. The second time we tried, told him to slow down. Let me take the wheel. So we managed to do it after a few days from the second time. Right now my little one is 3months . We managed to try again. Doesn’t hurt as much. Take it slow. Try not to rush things. And drink lots of water as down there would be hurting caused by dryness. Lubricant is your best friend if needed.

As much as I felt bad towards my husband, the last time we did the deed was when I was in early trimester 2 😅 (I am 5.5m PP). I feel like I don’t even have enough time to sleep.. I have a baby to juggle as well as day time chores to do plus the timely pumping 🤷🏻‍♀️ But the good thing is….. baby plus his work plus my furbabies made him feel as tired as me 😅 I’m not cutting the initimacy off, just taking it slowly till both of us are less tired 😊

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