I don’t have mastitis but I’m so scared I will! How do I prevent myself from getting it?

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Here are some simple tips to help prevent mastitis: - Breast-feed regularly. Try not to delay or skip feedings. The will help keep the milk ducts empty. If you expect any delay or may not be able to breastfeed your baby for one session, try to pump to keep up the routine. - When breastfeeding your baby, align your baby straight with his/her chest to your chest. This will help ensure that your baby could latch on properly. - Alternate which breast you offer first for each feeding. - Air-dry your nipples after each feeding session to prevent cracking. - Ensure that you consume enough fluid everyday. - Get as much rest as possible. - Wear well-fitted bra that is not too tight or restrictive.

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Mastitis is the inflammation of the mammary gland in the breast because of bacterial infection via a damaged nipple or teat. Do not stop your baby from his feeds. Let him unlatch himself once he is done. If you feel that you still haven't empty your boob out, carry on the session by pumping. Should you get mastitis, carry on breastfeeding because you might just worsen it if you avoid breastfeeding from the affected boob.

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