First trimester: morning sickness and fatigue

I am currently at 7 weeks and have been struggling to work normally. I have morning sickness which last till night, thank god for metoclopramide I am better. But there is also the fatigue which hits me, it's a different kind of tired altogether. I've never felt so tired, I normally take a few naps during weekends but during weekdays, I can't with work at office. How do you cope being at work during your first trimester? Please share some tips.

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I used up all my MC during my first trimester. I slowed down alot at work. I usually just sleep during my breaks (thank god for great colleagues who understands?). The fatigue is on a whole other level in the first trimester so try to get 8 hours of sleep on the regular and naps if u are able to. Hang in there momma, you can do it 💪

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I would sleep on my way to work, and during lunch as well. I ordered my lunch in, asked my colleagues to help pack, or go get it from a nearby eatery so tt I can rush back to sleep. That extra 10,15m did help a fair bit. Try to sleep earlier at night too, to compensate for the poorer sleep that may be setting in

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yes the tiredness was unlike anything i've felt before. try to sneak some short naps in between? hopefully your work area has some corner/room for some peace and privacy. Hang in there! it got slightly better after the 1st tri for me

2y trước

I look fwd for this phase to be done, because I can't do much 😭

Man i was a dead corpse during first trim till 18 weeks. I used alot MC and unpaid leave. Im always gagging at work and always always tired. I would sleep during lunch time and just order grabfood.

2y trước

I foresee myself being away from work quite a bit. I had no idea that the first trimester would hit me this hard. I'm slowly trying to come terms to it. All I do these days is eat and sleep, and feel sad/sorry for myself

It could be the side effect of the medicine. U may try to request for diclectin instead as thats for evening consumption.

2y trước

I tried diclectin last nite but had to take metoclopramide in the morning, because my nausea was acting up😪

I took 1 month sabbatical leave (unpaid leave) just to rest at home. Thankfully I’ve an understanding boss.

2y trước

Alternatively you can try to request for WFH? Instead of “wasting” the paid leaves. At least for WFH, you can rest every now and then and take meetings from ur bed🤣