10 Replies

My partner says that chances are, your husband wants it just as much as you, or perhaps more but is probably worried about hurting or making you feel comfortable. To some men, pregnant woman are super fragile especially if their bumps are more prominent than before. Instinctively, they want to protect and keep you safe. Voice your needs, tell him what you want and if he is uncomfortable with certain positions, brainstorm other ways to be intimate that will benefit the both of you.

This is a really good answer in my opinion

My husband is having same response as yours and I think it is quite normal (I have a few friends also commented same thing). For my husband, he feels guilty as he thinks that it will hurt me and our baby. I treat it as the way he shows concern and love to me and our unborn baby. You can ask gynae about if it is safe to have sex in front of your husband so to reassure him that it is perfectly fine. It takes 2 willing parties to enjoy the sex.

I don't mean to suggest this is true for this case - but there is an issue to watch out for, where I could start to change my view of my partner from lover, to mother that is unhelpful or over done. It is most natural but still quite a surprise for some o

Perhaps he is simply unsure if you are in the mood given that you are pregnant. It could be that both of you are having a guessing game. I would suggest having a frank talk with him. Males being males, their needs are usually higher than a woman. I suspect he is trying to be considerate and does not want to appear "pushy" during this period for fear that you may be uncomfortable.

Well it depends. I believe that are many factors that can contribute to this. Having high sex drive is nothing wrong. Yr hubby may think that he'll hurt the baby therefore dare not ask for it!?! Have a good word with him. Who knows he may be dying for it too. Do be careful no matter what and very importantly is hygiene. Do not allow any form of infection to be passed to baby.

Thanks all for your replies. I did told him I wanted him, he says that we are doing it too often, and he would tease me by saying I have high sex drive. Our average is like twice per wk, n boy...its really not enough...and before another baby comes along shouldnt we treasure the last 10wks or so?

It happens! I say go for it! They will be a dry spell when baby is born.. For 6 weeks or so. If you are breastfeeding, your boobs will leak during sex! ( turn off) When you are 32 weeks and above, just be careful with your positions as you will be bigger then.

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well, unfortunately for my husband. he says that its cause he want to rest and is tired. therefore the drift.

What about self pleasure

VIP Member

^ agree with Yuna and jacq

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