not gaining weigh from 3weeks till 17 weeks now

Hi , i currently 17 weeks pregnant. and my weigh still the same and i not gaining any weigh yet . isit normal?

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Influencer của TAP

It depends on individual. I also didn't gain any until I'm at my last trim. This is my 4th. For my 3rd pregnancy, because I lost to much so even though I gain back, is also gaining back my pre pregnancy weight. So long as the baby is healthy upon Dr checking and you are eating well (not say gpin on diet) then it will be alright.

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everyone's body is different. i lost weight during 1st trimester, 1 month into 2nd trimester and have already gained 3 kilos, all tummy mind you!😅. i think as long as you're gaining weight healthily towards the end, you'd be fine

Thành viên VIP

As long as baby is growing healthy and gaining weight, it does not matter if u yourself don’t gain weight. I lost weight during my final trimester due to diet control because of GDM for my first pregnancy but this did not affect baby growing at that time.

Its normal, so long as your baby is growing well. I haven’t gained from week 5 to week 17 and a half either, from first to fourth doctor’s visit. Any weight u put on in first tri is likely your own and not baby’s too

Influencer của TAP

I only gained weight at about 5 months and that was like 2 kg. Doctor told me as long as baby size n weight ok, mummy weight doesn’t matter.

I am entering in my 17th week now. haven't felt any movement of my baby yet. is it normal ?? what is the ideal time to feel it ?

9mo trước

i'm 17w too! havent felt any movement and went for a private scan for a peace of mind. baby was moving so much! the reason being was I have an anterior placenta so I couldnt feel much too. baby is still kinda small!

Thành viên VIP

Hi yes .. u will start see the weight gaining from 20 weeks onwards .. it’s common due to morning sickness etc .. as long u n ur baby is healthy no need to worry for it

Same here also 17 weeks now and not gaining much weight. My doc did advise me about 2 weeks ago to start eating an extra meal that is slightly less than a regular meal.

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I have lost 4 kg in the first trimester and only gained 1kg from my pre-pregnancyweight at week 18. Babys size is still ok, but appetite should pick up in second tri

It's normal. I'm in Week 27 now entering third trimester and still weigh lesser than pre pregnancy weight. Lost 7kg in the first trimester.