
Hi, can I just check whether during 3rd trimester, is it very difficult to sleep. My wife keeps complaining to me that she's feeling uncomfortable. Any help?

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Yes. VERY difficult to sleep... 3rd trimester is the most hard to cope other than the morning sickness on 1st trimester. On 3rd trimester, we often feel very uncomfortable... no matter how many position we changed. Sometimes, still cannot sleep. Let alone it interrupts our breathing. The pelvic bone, back bone also very pain 😭 Thinking about it make me feel scared cause I'm currently pregnant with my second one arghh...

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5y trước

Plus frequent trips to toilet..

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Hi yes it will get increasingly uncomfortable for Mummy as baby will be pressing on her internal organs and spine. If she hasn’t already gotten a maternity pillow, can consider getting one. Personally I sleep with a clam-shell maternity cushion and a bolster to support the extra weight.

Yes can be difficult as baby is growing with limited space so baby will push your wife’s organ. Making it uncomfortable. What you can do is maybe help her massage her leg. To alleviate at least one of the preg problem, which is swollen leg

I sleep with slightly elevated head cos third trimester I have trouble breathing and a lil heartburn. I also use bolsters on the sides. Ask wife to sleep sideway.

Yes. Nothing much can be done. While I can't sleep I wake up and have some snack, play game or watch drama. Take a nap during day time. Dun stress and hang on

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I'm in week 25 already and it is getting difficult to sleep due to many reasons.. Indigestion, back ache, baby kicking, have to keep going toilet..

5y trước

Indigestion: try to eat earlier, smaller frequent meals... I heard taking warm milk can help before sleep but I jus try to sleep earlier... Backache: can do some stretching exercises, I'm also going to try myself and go for pre natal massage. Baby kicking: this one no choice but changing position helped me. Toilet: bend forward abit to empty bladder more thoroughly but cannot really be avoided...

Can I just bring her to msia and massage

5y trước

Better to go reputable prenatal massage places in SG. Try beauty mums and babies.

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