Can I check , my friend's LO is the same age as my LO.. Both are 9 months old now. When LO was 6 months old then I start him on solid food, whereas my friend started her LO at 4 months .. She has no restrictions on what kind of food she gives to her LO whereas I'm more prudent in what I give cos I worry certain high allergic food if give too early might do more harm than good.. But she said that I'm overly paranoid .. She said should just give anything .. Am I really too paranoid ??

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It's really up to personal preference. A friend of mine was super careful with her first born baby as all mommies are. She followed what the baby books said and kept track of everything her mom said regarding what not to give baby at certain ages. But for her second baby, she was not as cautious anymore. I reckon, after years of trial and error, she became more confident and realized that there is no need for certain things and wasn't as "by the book" as before. Don't worry too much baby about what your friend is doing. You do you and she does what she does. There isn't one right way to parent or raise a baby.

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