3 Replies

Hi, which hospital are u with? I’m with KKH and my 3rd glucose test failed by a little too. It was really borderline. But they made me go for counselling and appointment with dietician. Even had to get the blood glucose meter thing to test twice a week for gynae to review at next visit. My friend intro me to freelibre. Good thing is, you don’t need to prick your finger to test blood, But it’s so expensive and need to change every 2 weeks. Plus KKH don’t accept Freelibre, they claim it’s not as accurate. Anyway for someone with borderline failed glucose test, I thought my results will be fine. But my weekly blood glucose test was so bad that now they put me on medication for diabetes. 🥲 So you never know.. best to follow your gynae advise. If u do have GDM and it’s not managed properly, baby can grow to be very big and very hard to deliver.

I think u shd just go n listen to what the doctor has to advise and how it can affect your baby. I also failed the glucose test n according to my doc, there is no difference between failing by a little or by a lot. Fail means fail. My doc tracks me by affixing a sensor (FreeLibre) on my upper arm. Gotta scan with a phone app 1 hour after meal intake. It will read your blood sugar level. Else, have to go by traditional method of pricking the finger for the blood. It’s quite fuss free and helpful to track. If you are not tracking, how will you know your blood sugar is under control?

Correction: the sensor is called Freestyle Libre

I have gdm also, borderline failed 2nd test. 3rd test normal. gynae asked me to see dietician but I did not want to. agreement with gynae is that I will monitor 1 mth, if still high then only will I see dietician. so I checked my blood sugar 7x/day and cannot play cheat (like purposely eat "healthy" on the day u test. just eat as per normal. so far my sugar remains 4 to 7 even post meal after macdonalds, bbt, brownies etc. so likely will be ok. but need to keep monitoring if any food will cause a spike. and avoid aftr that

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