I caught my daughter (4yr old) touching her private parts under the blanket. I also caught her using the shower hose and spraying it there. I asked her why and she replied it felt good. What is the best way to teach her about this?

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Children are unaware that those are inappropriate behaviour. They are just generally curious and as they grow, they learn more about their bodies. Children around three to four years old are happy to repeat any activity that they found make them feel good. This may include touching himself/herself. To them, it is similar to activities that bring them joy such as playing in the water or running around. As such, they may find touching their genitals pleasurable and may even do it unconsciously. One way to handle this would be to explain to your daughter the concept of “private parts” when teaching them about body parts. Also, explain that these are areas that should be kept “private”. This would be a good time to teach them about molestation. Explained that their private parts should not be touched or shown to anyone except mommy or daddy during a bath or dressing, or to a doctor during a checkup (with mummy or daddy around). Educate them to inform you if anyone touches him/her.

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