1 Replies

Hi mommy, are you currently in your 1st trimester? My trimester was a nightmare. I had severe nausea and food aversion till week14. Cannot stomach proper food and any food smell or image of food can make me vomit. Was able to eat toasted bread with banana and plain crackers and only icy cold water. Tried to eat other food but would vomit it all out. My gynae gave me nausea pills which was kinda hit and miss. Sometimes i feel okay, sometimes i still feel nausea. Speak to your gynae, if its excessive it might be hyperemesis gravidarum which they will put you on drip so that you get the nutrients you and your baby need. take care!

Thankyou for this ! I got super dehydrated i blacked out. Admitted in KKH and yeap was on drip for a few days. :,)

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