3 Replies

going to a concert with seated tickets should be ok 👍🏻 at 16 weeks baby's hearing in your womb not so affected, should be ok for baby. only issue is if you go to a concert, the organisers wont allow you to bring drinks or food in (in case the concert is 3hrs and you get thirsty, dehydrated, hungry). so my suggestion is 1) buy a bottle of water inside the venue (if you are going National Stadium or Singapore Indoor Stadium) 2) buy the snacks inside if you really need to munch on something. price is expensive but your pregnancy and comfort is more important 3) go to the toilet mid concert if you need, dont hold the pee in just so you dont miss any part of the show. if you hold your pee in, increases the chance of urinary tract infection. 4) dont go queue too early to enter the venue. as long as you are in the queue 15-20mins prior to the gates closing, you'll have sufficient time to settle into your seats. that way, lesser crowd. 5) before the concert, make sure to eat well and rest well. so your body will be less tired. if you decide to go, hope you have lots of fun!! ☺️❤️

thank you for taking time to pen this down 🙏🙏these are really good tips

I went for a concert at around wk 32 or 33 haha. Baby's hearing is fine, even though I felt tt it was loud. It's not really uncomfortable I feel. If you feel physically up to it,I don't see why not.

I went at 7 months, was quite loud but it was still ok for me, I wasn’t really uncomfortable. Wore mask when I was with the crowd

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