10 Các câu trả lời

not sure if this is the cause but i was sexually active before i used this and i never got pregnant. then abt a year i wasnt sexually active and tried this. its helps clean and its very cooling. i can say that it made my v much healthier. i stop using it because well no budget😅 . and i was back to being sexually active ( had sex on low chance of being pregnant). and i got pregnant. u can try. might have tge same effect. u can google it up if u like. its miss v perfume by molly beauty. smells good too and can last up to 3months for 1 bottle

if u want a baby fast maybe try go see a fertility doctor. they might suggest u ivf. but ivf can cost alot.

I think u and ur husband should see a fertility speacialist first to know what's the problem u guys might have. After that u can decide which method/products suits u. For me i need to do ivf because my fallopian tubes are both blocked. Baby dust to u 🤗

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1. every month please do opk test and bbt to know ur ovulation day. 2. u can try shatavari. Rmai ttc yg berjaya dgn shatavari. Try to google the feedback. 3. healthy lifestyle 4. don't too stress.

Will do darling, thank you.

VIP Member

Try BBT. I did BBT for both of my babies. Got them right on time. 😉 Or try Chinese medicine. I did acupuncture n some massage n got pregnant the next month.

I will surely try that.. 😌 thank you.

jangan stress, amalkan pemakanan seimbang... saya guna jamu lisa... alhamdulillah, bgus utk wanita.. stabilkan hormon. perahiman n period wanita.

Hi there. Perhaps u can visit this instagram if u r based in KL.. heard many successful stories so far but no personal experience.. All the best

Hye dear.. you can try jus bidadari.. boleh find info dekat internet.. banyak jugak feedback 😊

Thank you. I will look forward to it.

I also married for 5 years, and just got pregnant. my friend was 7 years.

That’s great. Congratulations dear..

Hi. try search for LD VENUS GOLD.

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