i am trying to get mosquito / insect repellent patch for 6-month-old. This is to stick onto stroller when we go out. Any brands which mums and pa can recommend?

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how about Skeeter Guard Mosquito Repellent Patch you can use it anywhere hats, chairs, strollers, tables, bedsides, etc. Though it says that it lasts for 12 hrs I think it dies off after 9-10 hrs

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Natural remedies are best and a safer option. Try making your own. lemongrass, citronella are good.

MooGoo has mosquito/insect repellent which is made of natural ingredients and gentle to the skin.

Don't use chemicals, you can get the organic patches from organic shops.


MooGoo Tail-Swat Body Spray

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9y trước

Plant basil around your house. It can also be an indoor plant. They are mosquito repellents. For outdoors, neem tree and citronella can be planted in your garden too.