I am experience cramping sensation. I am only at 28 weeks now. Is it common? Am i at risk for preterm labour?

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If your cramping doesn't come with any pain, it might be Braxton Hicks. Braxton-Hicks are 'false labor', it is a way to practice contractions that get your body ready for your baby’s arrival. Signs you’re having Braxton-Hicks contractions include: -contractions that come and go -contractions that don’t get stronger or closer together -contractions that go away when you change position or empty your bladder If there is a pain accompanied with the cramping, it might be an indication of uterine contraction and cervix dilation which leads to pre-term labor. Please visit your gynae as soon as possible and gynae will check on your cervix length to see if the cervix is still intacted.

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There are several factors that may increase the risks for preterm labor, such as previous history of having one, high level of stress or long working hour of standing up. Try empty your bladder. Lie down on your left side and avoid lying on your back. Monitor your contractions in one hour. Does it worsen or disappear? Look for other signs such as watery or bloody discharge,or lower backache that come and go or persistent. Contact your gynae if your cramps won't go away or you have the above signs and symptoms. Read more here for your reference: http://americanpregnancy.org/labor-and-birth/premature-labor/

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It could be brought on by your uterus stretching. Try drinking more water, emptying your bladder and lying down to rest as much as possible. If it is abdominal pain and/or with any spotting/bleeding from the vagina, best to consult your doctor from some advice. In all, stay relaxed and look out the signs mentioned by the rest. Seek advice from your doctor if you are worried for a peace of mind. Very important to stay relaxed and happy at this stage! Take care!!

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