Migraine during preagnancy
Hi i always having bad migraine nearly everyday it become worst each day. How can i cure it?

Applying heat or cold to the sides of the head, the eyes, or along the back of the neck is one of the best ways to relieve the pain associated with a migraine. Most health care providers consider acetaminophen (Tylenol) to be the pain relief medication of choice during pregnancy, but you should always talk with your doctor before taking any medication. Pregnant women should NOT take anything containing aspirin or ibuprofen (e.g., Advil, Motrin) unless prescribed by a health care provider. Consult your doctor about the best form of pain relief for your migraines.
Read moreU can try having more rest/sleep, and dont be too stressed. U can also consult the doc if they can prescribe u with meds that is safe for preggies. For me, i would rub some essential oils on my temples if i have migraine and sleep earlier at night.
Same problem here! Went NNI for a detailed check before and they said pregnancy hormones will worsen the pain... So must have lots of rest and avoid brightly-lit places.. You may also try applying/diffusing peppermint oil to help ease the pain..
Hi, I would suggest lots of rest, water, and avoid direct sunlight. Also, please consult your doc if he can can help with some meds for this that are safe during pregnancy
I try take more water and have more rest... cause i feel might be too heaty for your body...
Thank you everyone for the reply
Why don’t u see a specialist
See specialist for?
You need more rest
Try wintermelon soup