I am already in my 8th week and this is my first pregnancy. I am prone to constipation prior pregnancy and had experiences when there’s blood after releasing hard stool. Last time I experienced it was last year but after my first visit to the OB (and started taking meds), I became constipated again. I read it could be because of the meds or maybe my less fluid intake. I can’t really drink and eat a lot because I’m feeling nauseous, bloated and gassy. Are there home remedies to make passage of stool easier (I am planning to ask the doctor but my next check up would be 3 weeks from now)? The feeling that you need to go to the toilet is there but once I am waiting, it doesn’t come out easily. My constipation started 3 days ago but today I had blood in my stool because I can still feel the discomfort I had 3 days ago.
Thank you so much. It means a lot to me since I am not very brave when it comes to sickness, blood and hospital matters. And I have limited people to consult with lots of questions as a first time mom.
Joveny Manila