Baby Nail Cutting

Using a baby Nail cutter, I accidentally cut my Baby's left hand last smallest index finger nail too deep and it cause a minor cut, and baby had say 5 to 10++ drops of minor bleeding. After cleaning the wound with tissue & Applied Aloe Vera Gel, bleeding has stop & Baby seems okay now, just that the wound feels delicate at times. Just wondering if the wound will heal say within 7 to 10 days? Is there anything I need to take note of? Feel heart pain & upset now, just reprimanded by my wife & in law even though I am not deliberate. Also wanted to ask when is a good age to help trim Baby's nails? 1 year old or older? Would trimming it when baby is asleep a better idea?

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I scolded my husband for almost a week when he accidentally cut my baby finger last time. Taking care a baby must always be careful and careful. Sorry was too late when accident happen. Wear your baby mitten if you are not confident.

4y trước

Thanks for your sharing. After this mistake, I will think and think again before I do anything with our Baby 🙏