I am absolutely fed up of being the sole bread winner in the house. The kids are 7 and 9. I am frustrated that my Wife keeps saying she needs to not work and stay at home to take care of the kids. The kids go to school and we have a part time maid who comes in twice a week. How do I get her to go back to the workforce instead of sitting at home and spending all my hard earned Money?

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i just seen this topic you got here. i also have the same scenario. i have 2 boys and she is pregnant with our twins she wanted to go to work i wont let her.. why? being at home is not like she spend the money you earn thru hardwork. staying at home is more complicated and hard. its like working without payment. if you want her to go work out. figure out how your kids grow

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5y trước

Nice input (brilliant sarcasm). If you were not in fact a mother with this clear bias, you wouldn't have posted as anonymous and in fact provided an actual solution.