Water intake

Hi, I am 9 weeks pregnant. I can't drink plain water at all. I take a sip I feel like vomiting. Any solution to this?

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Drink alternative , like milk , vitagen to increase the intake.

Thanks for the suggestions ladies. Will try out..

Super Mom

How about adding lemon to the water? Give it some taste

Maybe try bit of coconut water, specially on a hot day

Thành viên VIP

My mom made me red dates+longan tea. It works for me.

Super Mom

Drink other liquid tar u can.. juices, milk, soymilk

Same issue. Took sparkling water saved me

Thành viên VIP

Camomile tea , honey water, milo, milk

Super Mom

Warm water always helps..

Thành viên VIP

I drank non caffeine tea