5 Replies

Cramps are normal during the early pregnancy. It's a sign that your uterus and the surrounding tissues are expanding to make room for your baby. It should feel mild and shouldn't have any bleeding. If there is any and if the pain intensify, pls consult your dr asap.

Super Mum

If it's just light cramps that comes and goes that's quite normal. If there's no bleeding it should be fine. If you haven't had your first consultation with a gynae, it's good time to go now and then you can ask doc about it :)

Cramps are Normal unless there’s bleeding. I had those too, consulted my gynea and was told to expect more cramps. Unless sharp pain or bleeding then walk in to A&E

https://sg.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-concerns-cramps https://sg.theasianparent.com/week-by-week-pregnancy-guide-week-6

But this says nothing abt cramps 😖


nope please visit a gynecologist.

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