Walk in to hospital

Hi. I am 39 weeks 4 days and i am thinking of getting myself checked in hospital. Last checked was 2cm dilated when 38 weeks and immediately after, doc did membrane sweep. Ive since lost my mucus plug and felt what feels like sharp shooting pain down under. (Exact feeling i felt when inwas 2cm dilated) and now i am feeling extremely bad back pain. Can i just walk in and request to be induced? This is my 4th. #advicepls

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Thành viên VIP

Shud be can. Good luck!

4y trước

After my membrane sweep, my mucus plug dropped like almost 12hrs after.. den in ard 10 hrs time after dat i had full blown contractions.. so i went to the hosp.. during the sweep i was alr 3cm.. den when i reached hosp the following day i was 4cm

Thành viên VIP

U need to go now