2 Replies

I think we have to understand our body language when we are pregnant. When i was having acid reflux or heartburn, I mistook it for hunger and then I was thinking, I couldn't be very hungry in a matter of 15mins..cos i always time at 2hrs interval to snack or munch on something. This is to aid digestion. So when i start to vomit acid taste liquid, and I felt bloated and stomach upset all, I then knew it wasn't hunger.. So i watched over what I eat and the interval times to avoid gastric or heartburn.

Super Mum

Don’t curb it but eat smartly. Eat food which are filling and not empty calories like sugared drinks. Don’t overeat as it might lead to heartburn. Your body is working hard to grow baby so more calories are burnt and your appetite increased is normal. But have to be watchful of type of food you consume as there is possibility of gestational diabetes.

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