
Hi! I am at my 11 wks. This is my 3rd pregnancy. the 2nd miscarriage. From my prev pregnancy I didn't experience this. Early morning or late night my tummy will be growling. Very uncomfy. Like really hungry. If let say early morning I woke up to pray at 6am, I ignore the hunger and slept back after praying, next I wake up will feel super hungry but very nauseous. Sometimes I'm just too tired to go to the kitchen to get some food to eat especially at night cos I would need to brush my teeth again. Anyone experience this? I know it may be normal but what are your tips? I don't rmbr experiencing this with my 2 prev pregnancy. Thank you!

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I'm like this too.. SUPER hungry to the point I wanna vomit. I have snacks just right beside my pillow and I take a few bites and it helps... Else if I ignore it I will have bad nauseous for hours later haha. Also milk!

4y trước

i have biscuits but sometimes early morning im hungry again. B4 preg i still can sleep off the hunger but this preg cannot.