
I am 11 weeks pregnant and my stomach is bloated. Is it normal? Any home remedies?

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me too bloated every evening... Mnsa di na ako makakain ksi dko na maintndhn tiyan parang hirap huminga😂😂

i feel the same too i have morning sickness, not even i feel nausea throughout the day

Same here 11 weeks. It is normal. Try eating in small frequent feeding and lots of water. Also avoid gas forming foods.

12 weeks pregnant hingal mag lakad.. At bumalik ulit ang thyroid..

Same here. All day. Nauseating. I can't even cook or clean normally because every kind of smell sets it off.

Same here, always bloated at night and constipated. nasobrahan nga lang ng sakit ewan ko ba.

Hello it is perfectly normal. Our body is going through all the changes when pregnant.

Thành viên VIP

Very natural. I drink hot ginger tea or peppermint tea to soothe the discomfort.

It’s normal but i always drink hot lemon and lemongrass also honey

3y trước

whr u get those drink? cn share?

I drink sparkling water with lemon to burp it out. Usually helps