1 Các câu trả lời

hi.. harap puan bersabar, if u feel triggered by your 2y old daughter cepat2 ambil nafas bertenang muhasabah diri. i am exactly like you except im alone my husband is away this whole pragnancy i got nobody to rely on to except my only self.. sakit nya badan stressed nak layan anak sorang tp anggap je sebagai ujian.. anak kita mahu perhatian dia belum dapat expess melalui kata2 so dia tunjuk melalui pelakuan. selalu la peluk anak tu ..pelukan tu akan bagi anak tenang dan lebih self- assured yg mama x gi mna2 ada je sentiasa sayang kat dia. bila marah berhenti sesaat and asingkan diri sebelum nak naik tangan. pasti puan x menyesal lpas tu. also buat la sesuatu yg menghiburkan hati puan.. jgn layan sangat morning sickness tu.. the more you feel sick the more u will get sick.. choose to be happy and well inshaallah you will attract only that. control your mindset always be cool and positive. lots of love from one mama to another 😘

Thanks for your support & tips. Mean a lot. 💖

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