Car Seat required for Private Car if discharge?
Do my husband need to bring along baby car seat if we are not driving and will be taking private hire after discharge?
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Some Grab cars doesn't take in LO, so best your spouse bring own baby car seat
Thành viên VIP
Yes you need to bring your car seat along, except if you are taking a taxi
Hi, Don't think there is a need as you will be carrying baby in your arms
Thành viên VIP
No need as you will be carrying your baby in your arms.
Super Mom
Yes, only taxis are exempted from using car seat
Super Mom
Yes. Grab will need car seat. Taxis no need.
Thành viên VIP
Yes. For grab, but no need if take taxis
For private hire yes..For taxis no need
Yes for private hire No need for taxis
Super Mom
Carry on e arms
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