9 Replies

I struggled with this when I was married. Husband is in F&B so he is genuinely tired after he comes home. The upset got to me for a bit; then I just relied on myself to get off. Sometimes when he hears me touching myself before bed, he decides to join in. It seems important to you that your needs are met. Perhaps you would like to find out what/how he gets aroused, and you both could work towards it. Big hugs Mummy!

I totally get you, it’s Super frustrating. I tried talking to my hubby but he said that’s the way he likes to “make love”

And sometimes totally ignore and say I am overeacting or over thinking

Have a talk with him. Find out what he thinking. Issit he too stress from working... Being tired after work

VIP Member

I think u need to find out the reason why he's not interested before you can find a solution

Discuss with him

Talk to him.

talk to him about how you feel. sometimes it might be he really is tired from work.

He’s probably getting his urges elsewhere

Super Mum

Talk to him about it.

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