My husband is a big flirt. He doesn't leave any opportunity of flirting with women even when I am around. When I confront him he says its all in fun and nothing serious. But I get hurt by this behavior. Am I overreacting?

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I guess, you need to speak to him if it is hurting you, as you mentioned. Since, he is your husband, you would know his nature better, do you think, he is actually interested in other women and if he gets a positive response from the woman, he will take his flirting forward or he is a casual flirt, who likes to have fun? I don't know sadly to share this or feel okay about it, but my husband too is a kind of flirt. He is not like out an out flirt, he probably has a good sense of humour and when it is shared with other women, it appears that he is flirting. I do not show my dislike, because he doesn't over do it, he knows his limits. I also think that if your husband has a flirtatious nature then your budging in or your showing your disgust will only make him not that if font of you, which I guess is more unhealthy for your relationship. Because in that case you would not even come to know who he might have come close to in the process, or where to keep a check on him. The thing you can do is tell him that flirting is fine, but he over does it at times. You can just cook up a story of the woman he must have flirted with that she spoke to you in a derogatory manner about his behaviour in a subtle way. He of course would not go clarifying and perhaps he would check himself and draw a line where he should stop. First, you have to make him realise that in the name of just fun, he is over doing it all.

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