803 Các câu trả lời

mamy poko the best👍

Pet Pet la sy pkai dr ank no1 lg ok sgt2..

Merries , applecrumby , Drypers touch

Sy dulu pakai drypers,pernah try petpet tp naik merah2 🙄

Betul tu sis..anak sy pun xsesuai ngan petpet..habis bdn merah n bebintik2..doc suggest suruh tukar brand or guna lampin..sy tukar applecrumby..Alhamdulillah kulit elok balik

i'm just using aeon big brand.. 😁

Mamy poko. Dh besar sikit i change to petpet

huggies, tp drpers touch pon ok, cume mahal sikit

Mamy poko & drypers touch.. Lembut je pampers dia

Huggies And offspring loveee sgt 👶🏻💖💖

Kalau newborn bukan seeloknya pakai kain lampin?

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