Delivery room companion

Hubbies in the delivery room - yay or nay?

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My husband died 1 day before I went into labour. :(

Mine was present through out the whole process of delivery ......yay😄

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They can be useful - help to take photos, check paper work. :)

yay..This is the best time to show them who is the boss!!

Yay for sure! Share the most natural experience in earth together! 😁

Shouldn't be a problem. Unless he has some reservations about it.

absolutely yay! If I were a dad, damn, how could I miss that moment?

Absolutely yay. I can't imagine anyone else in the room with me!

A good idea, but he must stay at your head part. 🤘

Yayy for sure,he always reminds me that we are in this together