14 Replies
Both. Haha. Depends on the baby position as during 3rd tri usually head down. If baby is pressure down i will tend to walk wide open. If head down but position higher, i can walk as per normal closed.
I realised chinese pregnant women walk like a penguin in their third trimester..is this a pantang thing? Like they are told to walk that way for a reason? I'm in third tri but still walk normally.
Just walk whichever way you’re comfortable with ba, my Friend! Pregnancy is already hard enough without having to be bothered by how ppl think about the way you walk :/
Im ady in my 3rd tri but i still walking w my legs closed😂😂
Hahaha.. i remember waddling towards the end of my pregnancy.. 😅
I rmbr walking like a penguin with my 2 pregnancies.. 😆
Lol. That’s a funny question. I never noticed!
Just walk the way u feel comfortable...
I still walk normal but super slow