How to treat mild diaper rash..? I wipe it with wet tissue after he poop I put diaper cream and powder let it blow wind without wearing diaper for 15 mins and then wear it back. will it go away or get worst? my lo is 8 months first time diaper rash I not sure what to do. Recently he started solid food , only carrot, broccoli and porridge. He have been eating porridge for 4 days. Will is it because of wet diaper or poop or maybe I did not change it frequently. How many time should I change diaper per day?

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Your LO diaper rash doesn't seems mild. My LO used to have bad diaper rash. PD suggest to change diaper more often. I used desitin diaper cream (purple) then wash her from then on. Even if u don't wash, use cotton ball with water. Wet wipes is not recommended unless u are outside or at night to prevent baby waking up.

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