How to tell the difference between normal irritation and illness when it comes to teething?

Symptoms associated with teething include rashes, drooling, runny noses, short-lived diarrhea, crankiness, loss of appetite and mild temperatures. The symptoms are never severe, and they aren’t prolonged, often beginning the day a pearly white popped through and lasting until the day after. The longer the symptom lasts, the less likely it is to be from teething. If a baby is fretful four or five nights instead of one or two, if diarrhea continues for more than a day, or if a fever is higher than 38.5°c, you should be calling the doctor instead of blaming teething.
Read moreFor normal teething, symptoms would be mild -- this includes rashes, drooling, runny noses, short-lived diarrhoea, crankiness, loss of appetite and slight fevers. These ailments are never severe and usually do not last beyond a day after the tooth has sprouted. Babies with illnesses will likely experience the same symptoms but more persistence i.e. high fevers and non-stop crying.
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