How do some mothers breastfeed exclusively? I mixed feed my baby and sometimes it just makes me feel so guilty and like a bad mother. Breastfeeding is also mentally and physically exhausting. And when people ask me why i don't breastfeed my baby exclusively it feels so daunting. Any mothers feel the same way as me?

Hello:) I’m currently nursing my second baby, whose 4 months old. At this point, she is exclusively breastfed, and almost exclusively via direct latching... but it’s not because I’m great. It’s because she rejects the bottle and formula milk. When I had my first child, I shared the same thoughts as you, thinking that if I didn’t exclusively breastfeed, I would be deemed a bad mother. Despite having inadequate supply initially and my baby was screaming in hunger, I persisted. Thank God the supply eventually was just right. When I went back to work, however, I wasn’t always given time to pump so milk supplies kept running low in the freezer, and baby was rejecting the bottle at home, wasting the milk and always having insufficient milk during the day. When I got home, no matter how tired I was, I still fed on demand through the night, and always woke up early to feed baby one last time before going to work. And again, I persisted in that for another 6 months. Thank God she eventually took to drinking well from the bottle and stopped wasting milk, but my supply issues went on, until my husband had to tell me gently, “Dear, you’ve done enough.” I remember crying the very last time I breastfed her, still feeling that it was the most major and exclusive role that only I could play in her life. But, thereafter, we weaned her over to formula, and she did well! I also allowed myself to settle into new roles for her (song teacher, playmate, coach, etc) instead of just her cow. Haha. And it’s been great! For my second child, I no longer let anyone tell me what to do or think about breastfeeding. To me, breastfeeding should be rewarding for both mummy and baby. If either doesn’t want it, then baby will still be fine. For myself, I topped my baby up with formula milk without hesitation whenever she was hungry, especially while her jaundice was still pretty bad. That helped bring down her levels more quickly, and she was a lot more contented. Unfortunately, despite introducing the bottle and formula before she turned one month old, she suddenly rejected everything but the breast at 6 weeks old. After failing so many tries with formula and bottle feeding, here I am at 4 months +, in the middle of the night, still doing feeds, without my husband able to help me (I’ve gotten up up to 7/8 times a night for feeding, when she’s having a growth spurt). Does it sound noble? Maybe... but it’s terrible for my health. It’s not something for me to go around boasting about. 😂 (We’re still working on bottle training, by the way. Not going to give up. There’s some progress during the day time) Some mums have lots of milk, some just the right amount, and some have little. Some mums have nipples that are easy to latch onto, and some mums struggle with that from day 1. Some babies love breastfeeding, some love the bottle. Everyone’s journey is different. But every journey is beautiful. And so’s yours. Thank you for working so hard to be the best mummy for your baby. Never feel guilty about mixing feeds. You’re feeding your baby well. That’s all you need to know ❤️
Read moreNo one has right to question us why this why that We know what is best for our LO I want to EBF my boy as long as possible but I know infant care unable to handle breast milk well, so 3rd months onward I let him try formula to prep him to ensure he's not allergic to formula, ensure he will drink formula when he's away from me During my 1st month, I also heard a lot like my mil ask my husband if I've enough BM, is my boy well fed, why never feed formula etc.. is quite depressing but I just don't care, my son my way Digest and filter all comment, we know what's best, so 💪💪
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As long as your baby is fed and healthy, cut yourself some slack. After all, many people were raised on formula milk, breast milk or mixed. There’s no one size fits all. Let people talk as they wanna be heard but take comfort that you have done your best.
Fed is best. No need to feel bad. Moreover any amount of bm is good. Even if bb is purely on formula for wtv reason, it’s fine. No need to expect perfection from urself, mummy!
You are already doing well by providing to your baby, dont have to be demoralised by how others feed their babies. We are all humans and our body constitutions are different
My supply is low and i was asked to stop pumping.. (am a ep mom) by my parents but i am trying my best because i feel guilty too 😞
My wife breast fed for 1 year. She stop later due to heavy work schedule
Mother to a little kitten