Anyone at 28 weeks?
How r u guys feeling right now? I'm having mix emotions filled with excitement and at the same time anxious!

Hey everyone! I know it’s difficult to stay calm and you can have worries and anxiety. But remember, birth is the most natural process on planet earth. Your body knows perfectly how to do it, you just need to let it. Also, stress and fear are your enemies that can complicate this natural process. And your baby can feel them too! As simple as it sounds, all you need to do in this last trimester is relax, talk to your baby and trust your body. Breech babies still have time to move. Any growth concerns from doctors are just estimates and don’t tell you anything. Every baby is unique, every baby is growing on their own. Relax, do what you love, and all the best ❤️
Read more28 weeks breech padin si baby. 6montns on may ultrasound siya nagstart magbreech position. Tinatry ko ung mga remedy how to turn baby to normal position pero until now ramdam ko padin siya sumisipa sa low abdomen ko. May pag asa kaya siya umikot. Ayoko ng ceasarian. 😢😢😢
hi everyone, I'm at 28 weeks and 5 days.. feeling nervous and honestly worried 😫 had my growth scan and baby head is small at 3 percentile. anyone experience it or someone u know perhaps? I have many thoughts going thru my head and can't keep my mind off it
hi... im now 28 weeks too.... baby's head is down but my placenta is on the low mid side.... its my 4th child and my first time having this issue... hope it gets better by next mth so i wont have to go for c sect ...
Hihi, first time mum at 28 weeks now too. Same! Mixed feelings of excitement, nervousness and occasional surge in anxiety. Not sure if it's the hormones playing tricks 😕
28 weeks here! So looking forward to meet but baby but so not looking forward to the process....🤣 just hoping that everything goes smoothly. Anyone delivering at kkh?
Planning for natural birth too!!! So far dr didn’t mentioned anything 🤞🏻 You have a safe and smooth delivery 💪🏻💪🏻
Constantly in pain and feel less energetic than 2nd trimester. Feels like 1st trimester all over again. But im so excited for my baby to come so I can huggy and kissy. Hahahahah
I dont know how i feel actually😂... Im approaching 32 weeks, jus felt kinda scary that i will be in an operating room soon 😂
Whahahahah... you are so cool 👍👍👍
Excited plus anxious. coz i will be dividing my love with my number 1 and this current baby. Im afraid i cant give them the love fairly.
28 weeks here. feeling nervous coz my due date is almost near .
Wow so organised 🥰
Hoping for a child