4 Replies

Hi mummy, Don’t worry too much on weight gain. I lost 5-6kg for the first 2 trimesters, and gain 10kg one shot on the 3rd trimester. Baby come out 3.3kg and the rest is water retention. As long baby is healthy is fine. If the Dr didn’t mention anything on the baby weight or length, do ask them. Sometimes they might miss out. Then you won’t be worrying too much. Is the mummy hormone that make us very nervous and the unsure that disturbing us. I understand,as i ask my husband to check my blood pressure, heartbeat, temperature every single day during my pregnancy.. it was so intense. Look forward to see you little one. Don’t worry too much. Have a great journey in preparation of being a mummy😊.

Pls dont be depressed if you dont gain weight! Im at 29 weeks and im currently still at my pre pregnancy weight. As long as the baby is growing well, dont have to think so much. There is no rule that pregnant must gain weight pls. It depends on your BMI. U gain more weight does not mean is baby gain weight. Baby weight can be seen in the report under the column EFW.

If your baby is growing well, don’t worry too much on your weight. Agreed with the previous comment, you gaining weight doesn’t mean baby gain weight too. I gained 17KG yet my baby came out at 2.6kg 😅..


Don't worry. As long as baby is healthy. I didn't put on much weight during all 3 pregnancies but babies came out with pretty good weight and healthy. 🥰

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