How do you pack your child's infant school bag? Just chuck everything inside and the teacher will find it herself? Or is there any ideas for Organising them? Thank you!

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I use a ziplock bag to put a towel, clean clothes 1 set and a hanky for shower ( put a plastic bag, folded, inside the ziplock bag for wet towel n dirty clothes). I bring 5-8 pieces of diapers n juz chuck it inside the bag. I put another 2 sets of clean clothes( in another ziplock bag) to change juz in case. Another ziplock bag i put milk bottle, hanky n milk powder dispenser. Bolster, blanket can juz chuck inside e bag. Milk powder n diaper cannot put one whole can or packet at e infantcare.

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i thosw.small school bag. at e bottom.i will pack diapers,above it will be towel,then school uniform follow by empty plastic bag for the teacher to put their wet towel.and used unifrom. as for my infant, diaper at e bottom towel above e diaper clothings milk bottle i slot at the side together with milk powder a clean plastice bag i slot outiside the bag. the sch will put all the wet clothing inside and wet towel and will tie for me

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This is how i pack mine (playgroup) - A wet bag (Towel, Sports Attire, Diapers) - This bag to be used during shower - Ziplock bag with spare clothes - Diaper pouch with extra diapers - A small eco bag with bottles and milk powder.

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7y trước

May I ask what is Eco pouch? Diapers milk powder cannot be place in school?

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Cannot put in school. We scoop daily portion for them. Eco bag like those recycle bag. or u can use a ziplock bag

I will categorize everything in clear ziplock bag so that the teacher will be able to get it easily