4 Các câu trả lời

That's really hard because not all parents can accept that. Some are in denial stage and would say no my child don't have a special need. Ask your cousin how does your niece interact with people, what she can do and not and from there you can tell about your observation with your niece. Tell as well your cousin that have an appointment with a developmental pediatrician but ahead of time you need to research for a developmental pediatrician in Batangas. Check for a nearest schedule because they are not the usual pediatrician that you can just go during their clinic schedule. You need to set an appointment first, I know that you can make it. Pray first that your cousin can accept your observation and for a guidance for you.

Try to politely ask the kid's milestones and start at that. Then ask them if they've notice something peculiar regarding her behavior, but don't overdo it because the goal here is to make the parents open up, not feel threatened with their kid's condition. Just make sure you tell them that you have the best intention and then offer them the option of having the kid checked by a professional.

If it’s a close relative, you can suggest they see a dev pedia. But if you’re not that close to them best not to meddle. There won’t be a nice way of saying it. If they are attentive parents, for sure they know something is wrong

I believe your honest but loving way of saying it will be appreciated. Show them your genuine concern for the child and also some steps they can take if ever tama nga yung obsevations mo.

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