11 Replies

VIP Member

I think most brands only recommend drinking 2-3 times a week? Don’t know is it theirs too heaty that’s why 🤔 But i saw this new brand called Wang Chao chicken essence. Can drink everyday ◡̈ And i heard it tastes like chicken herbal soup, very nice. It’s on promotion during the baby fair at expo today and tomorrow. You can go down and try then see if you wanna buy. https://babyfair.supermom.com.sg/wang-chao-chicken-essence-box-of-10.html

I took the bottled one whenever i feel tired during pregnancy. I made essence of chicken myself using slow cooker once per month.

The recipe can be found here http://jewelpie.com/homemade-chicken-essence-to-relief-tiredness/

I drank every alternate day in the second trimester. Or once every 3 days Brands brand.

Depending on individual body. Once a week to 3 times a week? Can cook with soup too :)

VIP Member

I drink about 3-5 days once. Depend I felt. It’s my energy booster.
