8 Replies

Every family is different as it's a lifestyle choice. Never spend beyond your means. Some may be comfortable with 5k, but some may struggle with 10k. Perhaps you can start with writing down the fixed and expected family expenses and how much you need to save for rainy days. Hopefully that can give you an idea.

VIP Member

It depends on your lifestyle, how comfortable you want to live and what kind of things you want your children to grow up with. I don't have two, but I'm raising one with an income of $750-1000/month so it's not impossible!

VIP Member

There is no fix amount of a suitable amount. List down your estimated expenses so you can estimate roughly how much you would need monthly. Add some extras for emergency funds and rainy days

Agree with all the mummies. Really depends on your lifestyle choices. I only have one kid , household income about 10-11k/mth but my hub thinks it's not sufficient for a second kid :(

There is no fix amount. It depends on your lifestyle. Some people even with 10k they still find it insufficient. For me we live with minimum and we are happy that way

Depend on your lifestyle ba. Our combined income is ard 11-14k but still seems like not sufficient although we are able to save monthly

Spend within your means. And you will be fine. My family runs on a less the 2k a month. Family with 2 young kids. It is possible.

VIP Member

No fix amount. It depend on what type of lifestyle you want

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