Hi How much should 1month old baby drinks. Is there any calculation? Baby is drinking 100ml and weighs 5kg.She will usually have reflux about 4times during that 3hours till her next milk and sometimes will spit out about 10ml of milk it can be right after her burp or within the 3hrs. Out of 6 feeds baby will at least( i dunnoe if i should consider it vomit cause is about 10-20ml or reflux) she will have at least 3-4 times of vomit of that 10-20ml amount. I have tried reducing it to 70-80ml is still the same. I dunnoe what should i do now. She is always struggling to drink like flow too fast but when i remove it she will ask for milk.all bottles tried she struggle even latching also she's struggling (hand and legs)like choking. I burped baby at least 5 times still the milk flow out. Need mummies daddies advice Thanks!

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My baby 1 month consume about 120ml as he is a big baby. so it actually depends on your baby size if not you can check with your PD

9y trước

My 1st baby was 3.8kg she drank 120ml from hospital. My 2nd baby was 4.6kg drinking 120ml(the nurse claimed) Diff baby different as my 1st one dun have such problem