3 Replies

Hi mummy, Here's a great article that you may find useful: http://www.madeformums.com/baby/whats-the-best-feeding-routine-at-8-months/36098.html Gave some suggestion of the different feeding routine for different methods of weaning. As for milk consumption, the article recommends that if you are still breastfeeding, it would be good to continue breastfeeding on demand. For formula, suggested amount is no more than 600ml. And here is another sample for all types of weaning: http://www.healthxchange.com.sg/healthyliving/childrenhealth/Pages/Sample-Menus-for-the-Growing-Baby.aspx Based on this, milk intake would be around 720ml. Hope these give you some idea. Every baby is different. Comparing against growth charts is just to give an indication of how your baby is developing physically by comparing to averages of children in the same age group. Fluctuations in your baby’s percentile could be due to growth spurts (rapid changes in weight or height). As long as your baby is still gaining weight and growing, you need not be too worried.

Yes every baby is different. However do note that their main nutrients source are still from milk. I remember when my baby was 8 months old, he had 5 times milk of 150ml and 3 solid food intake. My baby taking Friso stage 2 since 6 months old. Avg weight gain is 1kg per month. ps: my baby boy is 10 months old and 75% growth :) hope that helps.

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