
How many times a day do you bath your new born? And what’s the most suitable time?

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Super Mom

Once a day. Around 10am? At night we would just wipe her down with warm damped hanky before changing into pjs.

Super Mom

Once in the morning around 10am and wipe down around 7pm then bed time for LO.

Once in the late morning, prefer timing when the sun is shining bright.

For newborn only once a day in the late morning, evening time only wipe

Thành viên VIP

Twice a day. Bathe in the morning Sponging in the evening (5pm)

Thành viên VIP

2 months started bathing him 2 times a day. Morning and evening

Thành viên VIP

Once in the late morning, evening timing I will use wet wipes.

Super Mom

Once a day when she wakes. Then wipe clean in the evening

Thành viên VIP

Twice a day. Morning around 10am and evening around 6pm

Once a day, if baby is sweating or hot then 2x a day