5 Replies

VIP Member

It's usually a common thing that happens, shouldn't be much of a cause to worry! I have thalassemia minor so I'm really susceptible to dizzy spells, especially in the first trimester - what I learned to do is to bring an "emergency kit" everywhere I go: umbrella, plain water, sweets/fruit juices (something for quick energy), wet tissues, light snacks etc. Also made sure I told everyone where I'm going and try to avoid the crowds whenever possible, if I could, I avoided going out or at least going alone too!

Hi there, mommy. Avoid standing for long periods. If you must stand, make sure that you get frequent breaks. Also, do eat regularly. Avoid long periods between meals; it is better to snack throughout the day. Try to eat more iron rich foods like spinach, nuts and dried fruits.

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it can be BPPV....EPLEYS manoeuvre will be helpfully...


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