I'm not sure if there is an old wives tale about coconut water but studies haven’t linked coconut water to causing (or easing) labor. In fact, it is a natural isotonic beverage and one of the richest sources of electrolytes. I have it multiple times a week as my go-to refreshing drink when it's hot. Did it during my first pregnancy and doing it now for my 2nd too. Replacing my usual pokka green tea :)
29 weeks abit early to start coconut. Was always adviced to drink the last month b4 give birth. Usually 34 weeks, one coconut per week.
Omg I drinking it now.
only start when you're in 3rd trimester onwards. 1 weekly fresh green coconut only the water but not the flesh.
Eat the coconut flesh together with the water. If not, it will be heaty just eating the flesh alone.
I don’t take it frequently. My doctor told me is ok to take 1 occasionally. No worries
I only take coconut on a daily basis when I'm week 37 😅
don't take Thai coconut its not good..
try to avoid