6 Các câu trả lời

Unlike most of the women out there who are fond of collecting make up and crazy about their eyebrows and all these stuff, I personally don't put anything on my face. haha I am thankful that my husband appreciates the natural look I have. He's even prouder that his wife can go out with no make up at all. Ponytailing my hair or having it dry as is, then I'm good to go. haha I only put a little lip tint sometimes if I need to talk to a client or if the event calls for it.

I too shares the same experience with Charm. :) My husband is not into the typical 'beautiful' some man defines.. I just go with what is comfortable with me, besides I am not into make up aside from the fact that I don't know how to do proper make up. ?

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Just keep it neat and clean all the time :) treat yourself once in a while..go to thr salon or spa, or get your nails done.. Moms should take good care of themselves too :)

I exercise to keep myself healthy and fit and of course good personal hygiene. I always ensure that I look clean and fresh when my husband comes home from work.

Regular exercise is still the best to keep a good shape. Syempre don't forget personal hygiene.

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