13 Replies

VIP Member

If you are not breastfeeding, your period is likely to return after 6 to 8 weeks whereas it might take longer if you are breastfeeding. I bled for about 2 weeks and there was a bit of blood around week 8 or 9. No more blood so far. I'm not sure if that was my period or not as I'm still breastfeeding. http://sg.theasianparent.com/lochia_postpartum_bleeding_singapore/

It should be ok to have some spotting resembling the end of your period which is like dark brown. I had it after I stopped lochia at about week 7 too. Should be like the residual waste material. I think your doctor is trying to determine if it's your period or an irregular bleeding which can be a cause for concern.

I bleed about 10 weeks, It nearly stopped and then came back, so the OB did the ultrasound, shown that the endomentrual lining was too thin, the reason why it kept bleeding, so you should discuss with your OB-GYN and have the best treatment. Good luck!

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Every woman’s body has different ways of recovering from child birth. Just monitor your bleeding together with your doctor.

You should follow what your doctor says. Everyone has a different symptom. Worry not.
