love with your partner

How do you know that you're still in love with your partner? What are the signs that you are falling out of love?

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I guess it's nice to assess yourself every day you wake up and before going to bed, especially if your marriage has been on the rocks for quite sometime already. You ask yourself how happy you are with your partner, what are the things you are willing to do for him/her, do you still see yourself with the same person several years from now, and the like. There are times that you might not notice it because you are always together and you think it's just the usual routine. You have to check yourself whether you just got used to being with that person or you really can't live without him/her. Sometimes we outgrow the person that we used to love, maybe not because of third party on either sides, but simply because you no longer see yourself achieving your goals in life with your current partner. It's a sad reality but it's also important that we assess our feelings if it has changed through time.

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