2 Replies

I live in Sweden, where the intake of refugees is amongst the highest in the world. Lately, there are more and more child refugees or unaccompanied minors entering the continent and it is heartbreaking. I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult it must be for the parents of these children to let their child leave for the sake of their safety and survival. These children seeking asylum are just like other children. They are young, innocent and full of hope. They seek out love, warmth, protection and safety. But their situation is not one you'd relate to a child and it's heartbreaking. I've met some people here in Sweden who came to the country as refugees with their family years ago and they have assimilated well, have great careers and their own happy families. This is a touching article you can read about refugee children who did not have it easy and their fears of not seeing their families again: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/26/didnt-think-might-never-see-parents-again-refugee-children-share-their-stories

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