8 Replies

You can consider introducing solids to babies between 4-6 months. You can refer to this article for more information on what are some of the signs your baby may be ready for solids: http://homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/introducing-solids-at-4-to-6-months For example, your baby should be able to sit up on his/her own and has lost the tongue thrust instinct. The article also provide a list of food suitable for babies that age which you may find useful. But as a general gauge, most mothers I know start introducing solids after their babies are six months. As a start, you can try feeding your baby with banana and avocado (which do not require to be cooking). Other methods of preparation for baby food would be by steaming or to puree the fruit or vegetable to soften them for the baby. Equipment wise, a normal blender or food process can help make puree. Some of my friends bought the Avent steamer and blender or 4-in-1 for convenience. Good reviews from them in helping to make meal preparation easy. You can consider that as well. :)

I think he above recommendations are pretty good. For myself I started giving store bought purée as I was not confident of making my own food and gave Hipp brand broccoli - they have some that are suitable for 4 months up. I then gave real food - fruits and veg. Like suggested, banana, avocado - mash it can give le. The veg usually are harder and drier so u need to cut & steam till soft then blender it. Use a handheld blender - many brands out there. Otherwise u can consider baby led weaning too. Just prepare food into small but chunky size that baby can handle and let baby bite/gnaw himself

Real food, fresh food never go wrong. Home made is the best! Start with milder stuffs such as bananas, apples, sweet potatoes, peas, spinach. All you need to do is steam, blend and puree it. Add some bm or fm milk as well. Gives baby a familiar taste into introducing solids. Also no need to buy anything save your money.

I start off with Friso Gold Milk Cereal [rice base] as the fine texture makes it easier for baby to get used to solid food also no more hassle as it already with milk :) I remember is $10 per tin. It didn't cause any constipation for my baby.

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I started off when bb was 6 Mths. I started with carrots/zucchini/broccoli... but in that month, I also tried food pouches (rafferty garden) and Nestle rice cereal/hipp rice cereal ...

Start with real food ! Try avocado it's super healthy and nutritious for your baby

Start with real food and fresh food, cheap and easy to make.

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